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Statement of Faith

CV: Welcome


He is the father and creator of all. He created man in His image but Adam and Eve rebelled thus bringing sin into the world. From that point, man has had a fallen nature bent toward sin.


Jesus Christ is the son of God. He was born through the virgin Mary (God in the flesh), led a sinless life, was crucified on the cross as an atonement for sin, and was raised on the third day with victory over death. He is the only way to heaven and the only name by which man can be saved.

Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is the third person of the trinity and lives within every born again believer. He empowers us, gifts us, and drives us to fruitful service.


The Bible is God's inspired, infallible word and the standard of the Christian Life.

The Church

The church is the bride of Christ. It is made up of every believer, and every believer has a unique role in the body. The church has the wonderful responsibility to carry the gospel to the world.

Sound Doctrine is Our Foundation

In a world that is marked by constant change, Happy Feet International is committed to God's unchanging truth. The biblical foundation of this ministry is built upon the Scriptures.

Prayer Is Our Power

We are committed to an every-increasing emphasis on prayer. Nothing replaces a conscious recognition of our absolute dependency on Christ. Not programs. Not plans. Not technology. Only the power of prayer.

The Local Church is Our Focus

God has given neither the authority nor responsibility to lead the way in world evangelism to mission agencies. Therefore, we are committed to assisting and encouraging churches to take the role of leadership. We strive to conduct ourselves in a manner consistent with this commitment to the local New Testament Church.

The Supremacy of God is Our Message

God is still very much at work in this world. Although we recognize there are pressures and challenges associated with ministry, we are committed to lifting up the name of God and His work around the world. This is our motivation for serving.

Financial Integrity is Our Standard

We are committed to the highest level of integrity and accountability in every detail of our financial activities. We always strive to earn and maintain the trust of all those who invest in God's work through HFI.

Servant Evangelism is Our Commitment

Servant Evangelism, simply put, is meeting the physical needs of others while sharing the gospel message in humility and love.

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