Happy Feet International
Happy Feet International is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit International Christian Missions organization located in Gardendale, Alabama. Our main priority is to carry the gospel message to unevangelized people all over the world. This involves dedicated Christians who are sold out to fulfilling the Great Commission.
Happy Feet International has a very unique method of evangelization. It is built on the biblical principal of Servant Evangelism! Jesus said, "The son of man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many." (Matt. 20:28) Servant Evangelism simply put is demonstrating the love of Christ through meeting the physical needs of those who are underprivileged and impoverished while presenting the gospel message of salvation. The uniqueness of this ministry begins with an inexpensive pair of shoes and a humble spirit of servant hood.
All over the world, there are children who have never owned a pair of shoes. Happy Feet provides children in third world countries with this simple necessity of life. The shoes are carried into areas that are rarely traveled. We take all the supplies needed to wash the children's feet, slip on a new pair of socks, and for many their first pair of shoes. The shoes are only a tool we use to reach their heart. We ask the Holy Spirit to reach their souls. The gospel is presented to each person, and this unique atmosphere created by God's spirit draws many to salvation.
Thank you for visiting the site.
Bill Conlee